Thursday 4 November 2010

Sophie Birch: Italian Superstar

So, the Italians love my blog *waves to the Italians*

Basically Dulcie introduced me to the stats section and my most views come from Italia. How exciting.
Genuinely I had no idea any one else read this besides myself and Dulc so I'm a happy chappy.

This is it for now.
Vote Wagner

Sunday 15 August 2010

shit blog about my time in Aus. Travel Journal has used up all of my wit and skillzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I have just over 24 hours left in Australia and now I am doing my 1st and only blog about it. Go figure. I do apologise for this complete abandonment, and would not be surprised if social services came knocking on my door any time soon but my friend (Samantha Hessey - look her up) bought me the cutest travel journal from Paperchase for my birthday so that has all my scribblin's.

In short I have very mixed emotions. I cannot wait to get home but I don't want to leave. About an hour ago I said a fond farewell to my right arm aka. Deb Pollard which has left me an emotional wreck. For 3 months I have not had a full day away from her, we've basically become sisters and it feels so weird to be sat in 12 Brickworks Drive without her. Tommy did buy some chocolate cake from coles though so I'm going to demolish that later and get off my face on sugar and grief.

I now don't know what to write. There's too much. Australia is just massive, like insane. While in Queensland we bused it from Cairns to Brisbane (1748km) and it took 6 hours to get from one small town to the next and I'm talking SMALL. You could cover England in that time I reckon. Speaking of England Melbourne weather really wants me to feel at home. I swear Melbourne could be England. It's the most lovely city and I adore it and will deffo jeffo come back but the time I really thought "Wow, I'm in the land Down Under" was when I saw the Harbour in Sydney.

Sydney is just the most gorgeous place. The harbour is phenomenal, just beautiful and majestic and WOW. On one side is the bridge and the other the opera house. I felt so weird to be seeing something which is so iconic in real life. You can definitely tell why it's so iconic though, it just takes your breath away. I fell in love.

Australia is also full of Germans. If anyone is going to Berlin soon I'd recommend having a look at their population because I swear they're all in Queensland going crazy. They also all want to move to London. I'm not one to say WW3 but it's something to think about.

Right, now I must stop as I should really shower, I am struggling with forming sentences and Days of Our Lives in on. I must pay full attention to the bad acting and tacky sets. It has taken over my life though there is sadly no Dr. Drake Ramoray.

Heaps of bogan love!


Tuesday 9 February 2010

Evacuation for the nation

Yesterday evening Whitworth Park bar Paddy (they wanted him to burn) was evacuated due to a gas leak. This blog will tell the tale of this event.

(All time approx.)

I was dancing around my room to the banging tunes of Xfm when I noticed outside some red tape of lots of official looking people outside Aberdeen House. I asked Carmel to look at the scene with me as I thought there may have been a murder or such. We did not know what was going on so resumed our previous activities.

Carmel knocked on my door saying there had been a gas leak. I expressed my dismay it wasn't as exciting as a murder

Carmel once again knocked on my door. I stopped reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and found out the residents of Aberdeen House had been evacuated. Carmel stated she was going to "pack a bag just in case"

Discussing prospect of evacuation with Carmel in her room. Both stated that if we were to be evacuated it would have happened by now. Pete W arrives to tell us we are to be evacuated. Mass hysteria of what to pack ensues.

Go downstairs to get details from Ms. Boxing Birthday herself - Chelsea Dickenson. Chelsea explains she was given a flyer on return from the library and we aren't allowed to cook before we leave. Ross Dryden appears offering room as does Lizzie Moore. We decline said offers as a refugee camp is a once in a lifetime oppourtunity. I ask if it is accepatble to take a hold-all while Lizzie worries for Dave's (her goldfish) safety.

Try to decide upon belongings to take and settle upon big Tesco food carrier rather than hold-all. Pack essential items such as Gin and Wine.

Chelsea and I make our way to the refuge point that is University Place. Family and friends are informed of our plight and all respond with varying degrees of panic. Chelsea begins to plan her facebook status, settling on one which references The Chronicles of Narnia

We arrive at our temporary home and set up shop on a table near a plug socket. Good work

19:00 - 20:15
We demolish the food supplies of University Place with all other Whitworth Park students. Fill ya boots time.

An announcement declares that we can go back to our halls at 21:00 though heating and hot water will be off so extra bedding will be provided. There is a mad scramble for the last of the free food.

Myself and Lizzie - who came for free food and camaradiere - enquire about bedding. We are told bedding is on it's way and will be arriving by transit shortly. We see transit pull up and get ourselves in line for the best freebie of all time.

Chelsea, Lizzie and I make our way home and marvel at the duvet cladded people ("it's like the Ku Klux Klan")

Walk past Gemini take away. Ali rushes to the window to greet us ask me "Where your boyfriend" and offer us space on his floor as it is very warm. We politely decline Mr. Gemini's offer of free room and chicken instead of tea and completed the home stretch.

Lizzie texts me to tell me that Dave has pooed a lot and he does that when he's nervous but other than that he's ok. I am relieved


Walking on Sunshine/Halo

Saturday 6 February 2010

The Man. The Myth. The Legend

Of late my love for Phil Collins has grown ten fold, and that's a lot of folds seeing as I positively adorded him before. With my new crazy ways of saying to everyone withing a 100 yard radius to listen to "Don't lose my number" (best tune ever) and saying "I love Phil" on far to regular occassion I have decided to write a blog about the wonder of Phil as to spread the love via blog format.

Firstly, Phil is a musical genius: he can write banging tunes, play the piano, the guitar and quite obviously the drums. The latter which he does amazingly. He is also, quite surprisingly, a hero of American Hip-Hop artists. Tupac sampled him and Bone Thugs and Harmony got him in a video as they sampled Take Me Home.

The Collins has also been nominated for several Grammys, Golden Globes and Academy awards and has won seven, two and one respectively. However, the best award (in my opinion) has to be the Disney Legend award he recieved in 2002 - 4 years before Elton John. The man just cannot be stopped.

However, our Phil does have a bad rep. People dismiss him saying he's not cool or that his music is awful. The thing is Phil Collins isn't cool. He just isn't. He's been in videos with Hip-Hop stars (see above) and he just looks like a man who stumbled to where he shouldn't be and felt like singing his song for a bit - that's just Phil, he ain't cool and I don't think he wants to be.

All I can say to ye who hate/don't really like Phil just listen to some of his stuff, Genesis days included - I have to warn you if you become a fan of Genesis on Facebook you may get a friend request from a gent who "just wants to talk about Genesis".

Another day in Paradise; Don't Lose My Number; I Wish It Would Rain Down; Invisible Touch; Mama; That's All; Sussudio; You'll Be In My Heart; Jesus He Knows Me; Two Hearts (I could actually go on forever at this point so JUST LISTEN)

Chairs people... Chairs (Cheers)

Tuesday 17 November 2009


Today I begin my one woman crusade against Pasta Thiefs nationwide. The plan begins with posters, bouncers on the door, and a list that anyone can access should they fear that a pasta thief is trying to come home with them to steal their penne. Vigilante groups may arise from this but I don't give a shit really.

On a lighter (non starch swiping) note I am beginning to plan travels.

This summer I shall be off to the winter in Aussie Land and next summer I hope to go to Canada just because I feel like it. Is it wrong to plan adventures before the previous one is planned? Possibly. But hey, I need something to aid the procrastination. Facebook stalking can only get a girl so far in life.

I am also gonna get back into the blogging lark as Dulcie is making money and I wish to get in on this action and become a corporate whore (and spread my wit far and wide, kids).

Saturday 9 May 2009


Upon browising blogger out of boredom I found this unfinshed post (then titled "My Life is Ruled by the number 22"):

On Thursday I began my Mental Health rotation on Ward 22 at Trafford General. Yes, I find the fact that it is Ward 22 quite hilarious too. Anyway, I have to say I was more than a little bit anxious about starting this placement as I have had no experience with menatl health and had no idea what to expect. It also didn't help that Tony declared I would get punched on my 1st shift. So it was with these trepidations that I rose from my slumber at 5am and made my merry way to Trafford.

When I arrived I noticed how new and nice the block looked that housed the ward. I also noted that there were numerous security devices around the doors. The handover was quite pleasent and the staff seemed lovely and obviously quite happy with the situations they had to deal with. It was then time for my orientation, I was shown around the ward and given my Affray (a glorified rape alarm which I had to pull should I feel in any way intimaidated)


I have to say I am quite disappointed I have neglected blogger for so long and I have also neglected this post. It had potential and does remind of my feeling of dread upon entering a mid security mental health facility which seems so long ago right now...

As I type I grow more and more excited to return to Manchester. I remember around six weeks ago I was itching to return home. Garstang was possibly the worst place to live. Ever. And everyone else had left. All that was sustaining me was my fellow nurses (God bless Lizzie and Cluedo) and the freezer. Now, I can't wait to return to Whitworth and scare new freshers, wonder what will break in the flat this time and catch up with my friends.

This year does promise to be an thrilling one. I will be half a nurse around March,(hopefully) in sunny Melbourne by May, forcing Gav to be my tour guide in exchange for games of Monopoly, just another one of our shared game based loves. I will be celebrating my 21st in a whole new country, learning how nursing rolls - Australian Style and probably saying "No, it's not Surphie. It's *Sow*phie" more times then I can bear. Deb and I will then hopefully journey to sights around the antipodies including Uluru, Whitsunday Islands and New Zealand before returning to our UK home.

Academic year 2009/2010 - I'm waiting for you...

Monday 4 May 2009

My day of duvet

Exams have finally finished, my liver is slowly recovering and my abs and thighs feel like they have been through a mincer thanks to Bums and Tums. It is with these thoughts in mind that I have decided to turn to blogging to fill my lazy, lazy day.

My day thus far has included:
Going back to sleep
Waking again
Changing my duvet cover
Drinking juice
Pissing around on the internet for the best part of a couple of hours
Contemplating going to Mcolls
Realising I should get dressed and shower before Mcolls
Deciding weather to watch the series finale of Heroes again or not. There is only so much heart-break I can take.
Considering a change of number thanks to the return of the stalker
Facebook stalking

I do love a good duvet day.